a sampling of what's cooking:
- Alien hospitality, concessions, and paraphernalia
- Live Action Role Play games (LARPs)
- You can elect "weekend objectives" if you wish, to pursue
an added
sense of accomplishment.
- Covert Operations provide a deeper level of plots and
- Panel Discussions on a variety of topics, from Science
Fact, to Producing Science Fiction and genre Arts
- Extemporized dramas among aliens
- Customized videos and entertainments, tailored exclusively
- That 2370's Show
- Channel Pi News Hour
- Talk Show at the End of the Universe
- Trek or Consequences
- ...and all those alien commercials!
- Room Parties throughout the fan community
- Alien Sector: Amusements of the surreal
- Down Below: Adult Parties
- Blue Sector: Chill-out zone
- Challenges, mysteries, and futuristic treasure hunts